Our Doctors

Brian Courtright, O.D.


Dr. Courtright is the owner and president of Prescott Valley Eye Care, P.C. He received his bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Colorado in 1991. He graduated with his Doctor of Optometry from Pacific University College of Optometry in 1995. Dr. Courtright provided optometric services at Sears Optical for eight years, before establishing Prescott Valley Eye Care, P.C. in 2002. He serves on the Mel Clack Advisory Committee, which provides eye care to the underprivileged in Yavapai County.

Sheila Willems, O.D.


Sheila Willems, O.D. is an associate doctor at Prescott Valley Eye Care, P.C. She received her bachelor’s degree in Visual Science from Pacific University in 1993. She graduated with her Doctor of Optometry from Pacific University College of Optometry in 1997. Dr. Willems provided optometric services at the Northern Arizona Veteran’s Administration Health Care System for the last 20 years.